




片岡 仁美

カタオカ ヒトミ(Hitomi Kataoka)

岡山大学卒業後糖尿病専門医として臨床・研究に従事、大学院卒業後より総合診療の臨床に従事。2005年岡山大学医療教育統合開発センター新設時より医学教育に従事。Thomas Jefferson大学腎臓内科および医学教育研究センターに留学。帰国後より岡山大学にて女性医療人キャリア支援プロジェクト責任者、卒後臨床研修センター副部門長、地域医療人材育成講座教授、ダイバーシティ推進センター教授を経て2023年より現職。研究テーマは医学生、医師の共感性(empathy)。学生の皆さん一人一人と向き合い、その資質を一層伸ばすことができるよう取り組んでいきたいと思います。



時信 亜希子

トキノブ アキコ(Akiko Tokinobu)






生野 真嗣

イクノ マサシ(Masashi Ikuno)






Dean Thumkeo

After spending my early years in the US and Thailand, I first arrived in Japan at the age of 18 in 1996. Since then, I have encountered various challenges, including issues of diversity, language barriers, and a lack of emphasis on internationalization at Japanese universities. Fortunately, I have managed to overcome these challenges, and I believe that these experiences have positively influenced my approach to addressing similar issues today.

Moreover, during my 28-years in Japan, I have observed significant transformations within Japanese universities, particularly the notable increase in both international students and faculties. However, despite these advancements, persistent challenges remain within academia. Therefore, my aim is to promote internationalization and diversity, raise educational standards to meet global standard, and foster international collaboration in research endeavors. Through these efforts, I aspire to elevate the global standing of our medical school.

For our group website: https://sites.google.com/kyoto-u.ac.jp/dean-lab/home

Associate Professor

Minsoo KIM, PhD

Originally from Korea, I received my Ph.D. from the Tokyo University, where I began my research on a small protein called “Ubiquitin”. Ubiquitin is covalently attached to the substrate protein, regulates various cellular processes, and contribute to disease development.

Our group focuses on the ubiquitin system, which is involved in cancer and infectious disease. We welcome to students who would like to study pathogen-host interaction and the development of new antibacterial drugs.

Please visit us : https://ubiquitinlink.jp/

Assistant Professor

Yan Luo

I earned my MD from Tsinghua University Medical School/Peking Union Medical College in China and practiced as a rheumatologist for three years. After witnessing how evidence-based medicine had helped improve patient outcomes, I came to Japan and completed a PhD in epidemiology at Kyoto University. I joined the Center for Medical Education and Internationalization in April 2023. My primary research interests lie in clinical epidemiology and evidence synthesis. I enjoy applying new evidence synthesis methods to contribute to the generation of individual-level evidence. I engage in meta-epidemiological research with the aim of enhancing the methodology employed in clinical research. I am also interested in evidence visualization/dissemination and integrating patients’ values into decision-making processes. Beyond my research, I am eager to assist students in exploring paths leading to a fulfilling and joyful future.

Relevant homepage:

Assistant Professor


How can we advance regenerative medicine for treating central nervous system disorders? This question fuels my research pursuits. The discovery of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) provided a breakthrough by offering an accessible cell source for cell replacement therapies. However, solely replacing lost cells due to injury or disease forms just one aspect of modern central nervous system (CNS) treatments.

The CNS environment presents specific challenges related to cell survival, axon growth, and synaptic connectivity, imposing limitations on the effectiveness of current cell replacement therapies. To unleash the full potential of these novel treatments, it’s essential to optimize both the transplanted cells and the host CNS environment.

My research focuses on two critical methods: modulating cellular signaling pathways and employing spatiotemporal control of axon growth using magnetic nanoparticles.

For further information, feel free to contact me by email: neuronalregeneration.ku@gmail.com

Website :

Assistant Professor

Ethan Sahker, PhD

I’m originally from Denver, Colorado, USA. I earned my PhD in counseling psychology from the University of Iowa, USA, completed my doctoral internship at the University of California San Diego/Veterans Affairs Hospital, and completed a JSPS postdoctoral research fellowship in the Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine/School of Public Health.

My research investigates the addiction treatment pathway (access, success, and recovery). I conduct clinical epidemiology studies of addiction treatment to discover factors supporting successful treatment outcomes with consideration of health disparities and recovery capital. Currently, I am focused on improving access by advancing evidence-based brief intervention technologies in primary care.

I am currently accepting student research assistants in my lab, the Sahker Lab in the Population Health & Policy Research Unit.


Assistant Professor

Erik Walinda

I am Erik from Germany. My research interests are:

Ubiquitin-Associated Processes: Investigating the role of polyubiquitin chains, ubiquitin-binding domains, and ubiquitylation in protein folding, stability, and aggregation.

Protein Dynamics: Studying the structural and dynamic changes of proteins in various environments, including crowded conditions and upon interactions with ligands or drugs.

NMR Spectroscopy Techniques: Developing and utilizing high-sensitivity NMR techniques like relaxation dispersion and Rheo-NMR spectroscopy to observe and analyze biomolecular motion, interactions, and conformational changes.

Epigenetics and DNA Modifications: Investigating the structural dynamics and functional implications of modified DNA, such as epigenetic alterations.

Iwai lab;京都大学大学院 医学研究科 細胞機能制御学 (mcp-kyoto-u.jp)
Personal page; Yura Yura(https://sway.office.com/3lwWeO71bLSPRmHG?ref=Link


  • 特定職員 土橋昌子 つちはし まさこ(Masako Tsuchihashi)
  • 特定職員 笠原くれは かさはら くれは(Kureha Kasahara)
  • 特定職員 能勢さやか のせ さやか(Sayaka Nose)


  • 小西 靖彦


  • 山本 憲
  • 種村 文孝


  • 客員研究員 菊川 誠 (九州大学大学院医学研究院医学教育学講座准教授)
  • 客員研究員 飯田 淳子(川崎医療福祉大学医療福祉学部教授)
  • 客員研究員 高尾 義明 (東京都立大学大学院経営学研究科教授)
  • 客員研究員 木村 峻輔 (町田市民病院 循環器内科)
  • 研究研究員 金森 真紀(神戸市立医療センター中央市民病院総合内科 医長)
  • 研究協力員 佐野 樹(三重県立こころの医療センター 医長)
  • 研究協力員 宮地 純一郎(北海道家庭医療学センター 医師)
  • 研究協力員 外山 尚吾(天理よろづ相談所病院 医師)


  • 聖マリアンナ医科大学 救命救急センター医長 北野 夕佳
  • 谷川醫院 院長 谷川 聖明
  • 高の原中央病院 循環器内科副部長 小笹寧子


  • 耳原総合病院 総合診療センター 救急総合診療科 部長 藤本 卓司
  • 滋賀県立総合病院 外科 主任部長 兼 地域医療連携室長 山本 秀和
  • 天理よろづ相談所病院 救急診療科 救急診療部 部長 総合診療教育部副部長 石丸 裕康
  • 京都医療センター 総合内科 教育研修部長・診療部長(内科系担当) 小山 弘
  • 静岡県立総合病院総合診療センター長 袴田 康弘
  • 京都民医連 あすかい病院 医長 磯野 理
  • Kent Hospital, Pulmonary and Critical Care, Director 南 太郎
  • University of California San Diego, Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Radiology,Clinical Professor of Medicine, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Clinical Professor of Radiology 河野 優子
  • 洛和会音羽病院 総合内科 総合内科 部長 谷口 洋貴
  • 枚方公済病院 総合内科 総合内科 部長 尾﨑 全晃
  • 金井病院 総合診療科部長/在宅ケアセンター長 戸城 仁一


  • 金井病院 理事長 金井 伸行


  • 健生会 大福診療所 所長 朝倉 健太郎
  • 上賀茂診療所 所長 錦織 麻紀子
  • シティ・タワー診療所 管理者 島崎 亮司