2024/8/9 (Fri.)-8/10 (Sat.) We participated in the 56th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Medical Education, held at the Teikyo University Itabashi Campus. Professor Kataoka chaired an award for academic excellence, the Young Investigator Award, and facilitated a workshop on the basics of educational research. Associate Professor Miyoshi chaired a poster presentation session on Learner Support, chaired a workshop on the McGill University “Whole Person Care Program” teaching experience, facilitated workshops on Professional Identity Formation, Women’s Leadership, and Reflections in the Japanese Society for Medical Education Certified Medical Education Specialist, and presented a poster on the Information Literacy skills of medical students. Lecturer Ikuno presented a poster to Enhancing Medical Studentsʼ Motivation Through Public Outreach. Assistant Professor Tokinobu deepened her knowledge and collected information on support for medical professionals in raising children as well as IR for teaching and learning purposes.
Dr. Murata, Dr. Someya, Dr. Kasahara, and Dr. Watari from the Integrated Clinical Education Center, Kyoto University Hospital, also participated and deepened our friendship.