On June 27, 2024 (Thursday), from 12:00 to 13:00
We had the honor of hosting Dr. Tetsuro Maeda from the University of Alabama, USA, who delivered a lecture titled:
“Clinical Experience and Clinical Exchange Training in the United States: Focused on Internal Medicine, Respiratory Medicine, and Intensive Care Unit Training.”
Dr. Maeda shared practical insights based on his experiences, including obtaining a medical license in the United States and his research activities, from his undergraduate days to the present.
Despite the limited lunchtime period, a wide range of students from first-year to sixth-year attended, and Dr. Maeda kindly answered numerous questions from the audience.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude once again.

Dr. Tetsuro Maeda, MD, FACP
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Division of Pulmonary, Allergy and Critical Care Medicine
University of Alabama at Birmingham